Privacy Policy

Date of last update

This Privacy Policy establishes the principles for the collection, use, and protection of personal data of users of the Transparent Network website (hereinafter referred to as the "project" or "Transparent Network") and defines the rights and obligations of users and website owners.

We strive to ensure your privacy and the protection of your personal data when using our website.

This Privacy Policy defines how we collect, use, protect, and process your personal data when you visit the Transparent Network website.

We strive to ensure maximum transparency regarding processing your personal information and adhere to high standards of personal data protection in accordance with applicable law and international standards.

This Privacy Policy describes your rights and obligations regarding the collection, storage, and protection of your personal data. We recommend that you carefully read all its provisions and refer to them when necessary.

1. Collection and Use of Personal Data

1.1. We may collect the following personal data of website users:

  • Name and surname: This information helps us personalise communication with users and ensures more effective communication.
  • Contact information, such as phone number and email address: This data is used to contact users regarding their requests, questions, or messages and to send information about the project and its future initiatives.
  • Users provide other data when using the website, such as feedback, comments, and requests for information. We may collect different personal data that users provide when interacting with the website, such as service feedback, comments on articles, or requests for additional information. This data is used to analyse and improve quality and provide more personalised and valuable user interactions.

1.2.  We use the personal data collected from website users to provide access to information about the project, its stages, and the results of its implementation. This includes providing users with up-to-date information about Transparent Network's goals, objectives, initiatives, and achievements. We also use this data to attract potential participants to the project and stimulate interest and support for the common goal.

In addition, the collected data is used to communicate with users regarding their requests and to resolve any technical or administrative issues related to their participation in the project.

We also use users' personal data to improve the quality of service, adapting and improving the website's functionality according to their needs and desires. This may include analysing the popularity of website sections and collecting feedback and suggestions from users to further improve the service.

Finally, the collected data is used to ensure the website's security and to detect and prevent fraud, abuse, or unauthorised access to information stored on the website. We apply technical and organisational measures to protect user information from potential threats and store data in a secure environment with restricted access.

1.3. We may transfer users' personal data to third parties only in cases provided by law or upon receipt of consent from users.

2. Protection of Personal Data

2.1. We pay great attention to protecting the personal data of website users and ensure the implementation of all necessary measures to protect them from unauthorised access, loss, destruction, or disclosure. This includes establishing and maintaining high-security standards, controlling access to personal data, and applying cryptographic measures to protect against unauthorised access to information.

2.2. We apply technical, organisational, and administrative security measures to protect personal data from risks associated with its processing. These measures include regular security audits, the use of security software, regular staff training on data security, control over access to systems and databases, and modern encryption and data anonymization technologies. We also take steps to detect and respond to any potential data security threats promptly and effectively.

3. User Rights

3.1. Website users have the right to receive complete information about the personal data we store about them. This information includes the list of collected data, the purposes of its collection, the storage periods, and the legal grounds for its processing. Users also have the right to make any necessary changes to the personal data we store; in particular, they can make corrections to their contact information or other personal data in our database.

3.2.Users have the right to request the deletion of their personal data from our database at any time, except in cases where the storage of this data is mandatory according to applicable law. Without legal restrictions, we immediately delete all users' personal data upon their request. In addition, users have the right to request the termination of the processing of their personal data in cases where the processing of this data is not necessary to fulfil our legal or contractual obligations.

4. Changes to the Privacy Policy

4.1. We may occasionally change this Privacy Policy to improve our measures for protecting users' personal data and to ensure compliance with changes in legislation or data protection requirements. Any changes will be posted on this page and will take effect immediately upon their publication.

We recommend you regularly check this page for the latest changes to the Privacy Policy.

Your continued use of the website after changes to the Privacy Policy are published will be considered your acceptance of these changes.

This Privacy Policy comes into effect on the date of its publication on the website.

For any questions related to this Privacy Policy, please get in touch with us via

Date of last update: 03/27/2024

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