Innovative platform empowering cost-efficient financial transactions in real-time

A new era of secure payments
A revolutionary initiative led by the financial community and international partners.
Mission of Transparent Network

Reform financial interactions
by integrating innovative technologies to ensure fast
and secure banking, payments, and economic development.

Our partners

The largest bank association in Ukraine, which contributes to the financial system's stability, solves the banking system's problems to increase business profitability and economic development.
Stellar Development Foundation
A non-profit organization that supports the development and growth of the Stellar network. The network leverages blockchain technology to ensure equitable access to the global financial system
The largest Ukrainian online retailer where you can find literally everything. Over 2.5 million users visit the company's website daily
Kyiv Digital
The project launched to technologize the Ukrainian capital city of Kyiv. The app allows users to top up transport cards, buy QR tickets, pay for parking, return an evacuated car, and more
A universal banking institution that was founded in 1993. It is among the TOP-15 Ukrainian banks in terms of regulatory capital.
OTP Bank
One of the largest Ukrainian banks with 100% foreign capital. It is a recognized leader of the country's financial sector and a member of the European financial group operating in 12 countries. Regularly ranked among the three most stable banks in Ukraine.
Unex Bank
The first Ukrainian fintech startup with its own banking license. It implements innovative financial services for a wide range of private clients using remote service channels.
A Ukrainian bank with 36 branches in the largest cities. It is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, the Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine, and the European Business Association (EBA). Prozzoro Bank Guarantee Market Leader.
The leader in Ukraine in the number of connected marketplaces. The service processes payments for over 10,000 merchants and conducts 100+ transactions per minute. RozetkaPay continues to grow and connects about 1,000 entrepreneurs per month.
Is a Ukrainian commercial bank with a long-term credit rating at the level of uaAAA (highest creditworthiness) on a national scale. Bank Credit Dnipro is among the TOP-17 financial institutions of Ukraine in terms of assets and the TOP-25 leading banks of Ukraine.
Stellar Development Foundation
The National Depository of Ukraine keeps depositary records of all eligible securities, except for those, records of which are kept by the National Bank of Ukraine within the terms of reference defined by the Law. The institution ensures the functioning of a unified securities depository system and acts as a center of competence for the modernization of capital market infrastructure and implementation of international standards.
Stellar Development Foundation
Ukrainian commercial bank, which ranks 8th among banks in terms of regional network, includes 156 branches and 150 points of sale of loans throughout Ukraine and continues to expand. Acordbank is among the TOP-25 financial institutions in the country in terms of deposits of individuals and legal entities and among the TOP-20 banks in Ukraine in terms of assets according to the National Bank of Ukraine.
A modern alternative to traditional banking. Altbank combines innovation, reliability, and progress in approach to customer service. The bank offers a full range of integrated banking services provided through remote channels, making it a convenient and universal option for business.
Stellar Development Foundation
One of the leaders in the Ukrainian financial market. Pivdenny Bank ranks 3rd in the system and is among the largest banks with private Ukrainian capital in terms of assets. It has been classified as a systemically important bank for five years in a row by the National Bank of Ukraine.
Stellar Development Foundation
A high-tech, modern company that provides financial payment services to its clients, allowing them to transfer funds in national currency without opening accounts. The product line of LLC "SWIFT GARANT" includes about three thousand services, most of which are its own direct contractual relations and tech developments.
A universal commercial bank that provides a full range of financial services to both corporate clients and individuals. MTB Bank has maintained high deposit and credit ratings for several years in a row and is an authorized bank of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.
DCM is a joint venture of international payment companies with a mission to eliminate the gap between traditional and digital finances.DCM’s Financial Messaging Platform designed for financial institutions and brings unparalleled benefits to the financial sector.
For 32 years in the Ukrainian market, JSC “ASVIO BANK” has gained a reputation as a reliable partner, providing quality banking services, developing digital infrastructure and mobile banking. It has 44 bank branches and is among the TOP-20 banks by the number of bank branches in Ukraine.
Joint Stock Company "СOMINBANK" is a universal bank that has been providing professional and qualified services to individuals, small and medium-sized businesses, and large enterprises for over 30 years.
Amobank – a banking product of JSC "ASVIO BANK", developed by the fintech company AMO Fintech. A convenient mobile application where customers can access all banking services online.

Amobank – is access to any banking service in 2 clicks.
Building the future of united
financial opportunities

We see the future where every transaction and payment help strengthen unity, expand rights and capabilities, and boost prosperity of Ukraine

Continuous progress through innovation
Focused on sustainable progress, Transparent Network is built to evolve and operate successfully in a context of constant global changes.
Commitment to inclusivity
We aim to remove barriers in finance, ensuring universal access to secure and efficient financial services, fostering business growth and new market opportunities for all.
Building a transparent financial community
We unite banks, business, people and communities with the help of innovative financial technologies. Trust and transparency in every transaction and interaction.
Looking ahead
Transparent Network easily adapts to new challenges and opportunities, and is aimed at integrating the financial market of Ukraine into the international community.

Transparent Network structure

The Independent association of banks
of Ukraine (NABU)
Organization and coordination
of joint activities
Legal and consulting support
Interaction with NBU and other
regulatory bodies
Participating banks
Operational activities, including tokenization of accounts
Joint marketing activities for brand recognition
Tech provider
Integration protocols
Transaction processing
Protocols and services for merchants
Development of products and systems
Agreement on joint activities
Policies and principles of Transparent Network
Interaction rules and conditions
Risk management
Decision-making, involvement and exclusion of participants
Commercial and competitive conditions
Partners and special members
Integration protocols
Transaction processing
Protocols and services for merchants
Risk management

A perfect payment ecosystem

Merchants and business
Cost-effective, secure and instant payments without commission
Instant B2B payments and transactions anytime, any amount
Effective management of liquidity and working capital
Partner banks and fintech
Solutions for increasing the efficiency of micropayments
New business models and markets, new business and individual clients
The main benefits of the changing payment landscape for large retailers and online sellers
Development of the local banking and payment industry
Transparency and audit of funds
Economic efficiency
International institutions, government and donors
Development of the local banking and payment industry
Additional benefits* from merchants for daily transactions
Merchants can allocate budget to additional benefits for customers by lowering their transaction costs (experts state that 58% of merchants in Europe and the US motivate customers to use certain

Transparent Network roadmap

President V. Zelensky’s official visit to the USA
September 2021
During a meeting with top executives of the Stellar Development Foundation, the President highlighted corruption as a pressing issue in Ukraine and invited SDF to help with the digital transformation of the payment infrastructure to ensure its transparency and traceability.
Pilot Project with a commercial bank
December 2021
The pilot will test an electronic hryvnia in handling payroll for public employees along with P2P and merchant payments.
Start of research and legal assessment
January 2022
Integration and interaction with the most common banking software. Analysis of basic and advanced application scenarios.
A full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
Alpha version of the platform based on DLT
March 2022
DLT pilot project by UNICC | UNHCR
December 2022
UNHCR launched a first-of-its-kind integrated DLT payment solution on the basis of blockchain and Stellar to help people in need with speed, agility, and accountability.
Analysis of the pilot project results
January 2023
"The high level of digitalization of the economy is a powerful driver of change. One consequence is the significant spread of cashless payments, a decrease in cost, and increased transparency." — Oleksiy Shaban, Deputy Governor of the NBU.
Press Conference: Mychaylo Fedorov #WEF23 #Davos
January 2023
"...two weeks ago I saw the first results that we achieved with Stellar and one of the private banks... I plan to become one of the first test users and receive wages in digital hryvnia." —Mychaylo Fedorov, The Minister of Digital Transformation.
Establishment of Transparent Network
March 2023
Platform development
March–August 2023
Tech provider collects requirements based on the pilot project results. The team proceeds with custom development of the payment platform.
Agreement for participating banks
July 2023
The Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine presents the first version of the Transparent Network agreement to partner banks.
Integration of first banks to Transparent Network
August–September 2023
First technical integrations and custom product development. Continue improving the basic version of Transparent Network.
Production version of Transparent Network
September 2023
Pilot testing of Transparent Network
January–March 2024
Connection of current and new banks and merchants to Transparent Network.
Official launch of Transparent Network in Ukraine
April 2024
Collaboration with international partners
April 2024
Engagement and partnership with foreign partners and organizations on Transparent Network projects. The goal is to help refugees and rebuild Ukraine due to the Russo-Ukrainian war.
Growth of Transparent Network
May - December 2024
Continue adding banks, sellers, and merchants to Transparent Network. Adding new product functionality.

Next milestones

2025 – 2026
Connecting new banks to Transparent Network
February - March
Expanding international cooperation with the neighboring countries
Enhancing programmed transactions and adding new features to Transparent Network
Connecting new merchants to Transparent Network
May - December
Creating new opportunities for embedded payments with Transparent Network
Growing partner network and joint projects

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